0192-2998 |
Märkused |
Koosneb järgmistest osadest: Section 0, Index ; Section 1, Iron and steel products ; Section 2, Nonferrous metal products ; Section 3, Metals testing methods and analytical procedures ; Section 4, Construction ; Section 5, Petroleum products, lubricants, and fossil fuels ; Section 6, Paints, related coatings, and aromatics ; Section 7, Textiles ; Section 8, Plastics ; Section 9, Rubber ; Section 10, Electrical insulation and electronics ; Section 11, Water and environmental technology ; Section 12, Nuclear, solar, and geothermal energy ; Section 13, Medical devices and services ; Section 14, General methods and instrumentation ; Section 15, General products, chemical specialties, and end use products |
Ei ilmunud 2002-2014 |
Eelkäija: Book of ASTM standards with related material (1916-1969), ISSN 0195-783X |
Märksõnad |
materjalide katsetamine
Ameerika Ühendriigid
standardid (normid)
aastaraamatud (vormimärksõna)
jätkväljaanded (vormimärksõna)
Täiendkirjed |
American Society for Testing and Materials
Eelmine pealkiri |
Book of ASTM standards with related materials 0195-783X |
006 (73) (058)
006 (06)